My day has been a bit of a schemozzle, as the poets say. I was home all day, supposedly doing schoolwork, actually trying to write a fairy tale and listen to Christina Perri and Mindy Glindhall ( Both of whom are, by the way, amazing) In the course of writing this fairy tale, I delved into the depths of my writing box, in which I hurl most of my paper writing, never to be seen again. Actually, I tipped it out on the floor. I am quite surprised by how many bits of paper I have accumulated, and it does make me think that I really should have finished something by Also I was once again stuck by how much better my writing is when I am crazy out of my mind....which is depressing.
In other news, I made crepes. Mighty nice crepes too, if I do say so myself. You see, there is a very nice thing you can do where you stack your crepes with a filling in between, chill it, and cut it like a cake. It is so very very nice. Mine, on the other hand......well.
The caramel was dubious.
I really messed up the chocolate.
It liquefied.
Icing, perhaps?
I actually did consider washing them off, but something tells me that crepes that have been soaked in failed caramel, smothered to death with chocolate icing and then washed off under a cold tap would not never be quite the same again.
I took selfies to make myself feel better.
Ok, so I also knocked over by half full hot chocolate ( which turns out to be really hard to remove) on the carpet followed by water and juice.
And then I found this snail on my curtain, which was...weird.
In other news, I can put my hair in a pony tail now. The vacuum cleaner bust. I cleaned the mouse cage, and tried to get some hideous gunk out of the cat's ear.
Thus, as the poets say, is life.
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