Thursday 24 July 2014


So, to cut a long story short, we went on holiday to Australia and it was awesome.

We stayed in Mooloolaba.

Yup, that's the beach.

For some reason I kind of forgot to take pictures of the actual sandy parts ( which was totally lovely ).

However there were some pretty norsome rocks.

 And that is wood in a rock.

And then we went to Sea Life, which is also confusingly called something completely different. We were totally the only family in the line waiting to pay who didn't have a family member under eight. But then there were jelly fish. And it was awesome.

 I wished to cuddles these ones. They were so cute! But they were very hard to take photos of, the little peskies! Sometimes they got tired and turned onto their backs and oosed along that way. So sweet!

 This one, just chilled. Like us, really.

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